Thursday, 26 June 2014


After resigning my job in 2009, I was faced with the inevitable. BROKE! I knew I would but it didn’t deter me from making my choice; I had a goal to chase, a race to run, and run I must.

After exhausting my meager saving I needed something that brings in income without taking up much of my time. For want of better option, I ended up asking to launder someone’s clothes weekly. It paid chicken feed but it was better than nothing!

Once a week I’d sneak into his compound do his laundry and sneak out. I couldn’t afford anyone to know my mission there…… That was me as a graduate!

Boy was it hard, and tough. Hunger was a constant companion. I knew frustration too well, we went to bed together almost each night, those days. Those nights seemed endless back then.

After that, I tried partnering to start a laundry service. It failed woefully. Broke was my middle name and I was too proud to beg.

I remembered a young lady - a neighbor's daughter, saw me one day in a new shirt, the first I had in months and asked: where is your uniform? She had known me to wear only a particular shirt for a year.

Today I use a laundry service. When I was getting married my laundry service provider thought she was going to lose business, but I assured her she was gaining a new customer in my wife. I had dissuaded her from purchasing a washing machine, a laundry service does better, all her bill on me.

I don’t claim to be rich right now, but I am comfortable, AND MARRIED - TO YVONNE!

The future looks better, I don’t seem to remember how to be hungry anymore these days. Those years are gone; long gone for the good.

Years ago I begged to speak at events; I spoke and trained for free, and get treated like I was a burden most times [until they hear me speak though]. Now I’m booked months ahead as far away as the south-south Nigeria. I live in a new reality.

Back in the day, I consulted for free, now I charge a fee. In the build up to my wedding, someone questioned how I planned to host a wedding [and an Ibo wedding at that]. I just showed him a mail where a prospective client was negotiating my fees down from six digits to some fat five digits, I showed him a second one too, and…. Well that kinda said it all.

My point?: It helps to put our lives in perspective. Not all pain and discomfort produce gold at the end but with the right perspective we don’t get to waste our pains. Yes I know attitude matters but more so is the big picture. If you are sure you are set on the right path, then worry less about the pains of today. It will turn out well, you will be grateful for it.

And when you think you’ve reached your limits and are tempted to quit, just recall these words and say it to yourself till it becomes real, just say: this too shall pass.

Remember, when the night seem darkest, morning is just around the corner. There are brighter days ahead believe me!

1 comment:

  1. I loooove this post! Absolutely loves it!
    A worthy lesson to me/us the young ones. There's no need to go around in circles for what's not for us..God grant us grace to stick it out in where we want to be..and what we are meant to do
