Sunday, 22 July 2012

Heart not Head

I recently got an offer to be a guest blogger. wanting to be real  I wrote from my heart based on my most recent experience and learning. I titled the post 'Heart not Head'. that line jumped out of the pages of a book  I read not long ago by author Robert Kiyosaki. he stated that life's true answers are found in the heart and not in the head. In my experience, nothing can be truer.

Here  I pose with Dayo Israel during the Ondo Youth Economic Summit. those who know me also know the fact that Dayo is one young man for whom my admiration is unquantifiable. I would have given anything to meet him but I met him on a platter of gold as part of the organizers of the OndoYES. and that is a result of following my heart a few months back when I resigned a well paid job that gave me a dream life as I worked on a multibillion naira project. however when I realized my dreams and passion were becoming strangers to me  I knew it was time to bow out. my logical head screamed, calculated thought about how I'd cope what I'd be going back to the life and perks  I 'd be missing, but it was my heart  I choose to follow, and in subsequent posts  I 'd relate to you how it has paid off and made me a fulfilled young man.
Okay for clarity here are the difference between head and heart:

      Your head calculates, it reasons, it is logical, your senses are all coordinated by your head, it sees only the transient, and your head is the seat of survival, security, competition and catching-up.
      Your heart on the other hand is the seat of your intuition, your vision, your convictions, and the passion that drives them; it is with your heart that you make sense of life it’s the seat of your values and morals, it is in your heart that God has seeded eternity, your heart sees far into the future, it is the pursuit of meaning and relevance.
Ever wondered why Christians ask Jesus into their hearts and not their heads?
Believe me, heart is the way to go. in the words of the legendary Steve Jobs; "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition......everything else is secondary."

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