Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Compare Thou Not!

I went visiting a senior friend and mentor sometime this year. I met him struggling with the tires of his car. The vulcanizer was taking too long to show up and he was pressed for time so he jacked it up himself, but the problem was getting the tire out. On seeing me, he was happy thinking I might have a clue. But alas I am the least techy or handy guy.

At last the vulcanizer guy came in and with a kick, the tire was out. To my mentor/host and I it looked like magic! We looked at ourselves in bewilderment and had a good laugh.

But his wife unfortunately didn’t share our excitememt. Instead she uttered some wisdom when she said: 'well, the vulcanizer too doesn’t know how to run a blog'!

What a wisdom that is and what a fantastic lady there. Her mentor is a blogger and a super one at that. Need proof? Check HERE

I recall reading a line from Obafemi Fawibe’s blog where he said: if climbing trees is the ultimate parameter for success,  the fish will lead all its life thinking it is a failure (my paraphrase).

The point is we need to be careful how we judge ourselves, our strengths and success. That you can’t dance like Michael Jackson doesn’t make you not smart.

That you can’t sing like Whitney Houston, run like Hussein Bolts, play soccer like Messi, run real estate like Trump, write software like Bill Gates or blog like Linda is not to say that you can’t do anything good or amount to anything great.

There is something you do so effortlessly well that neither Micheal nor Whitney can even start to attempt. You are the world’s best at something!

Discover it and stay true to it! It’s about discovering what you can do and thrive at it. Don’t judge yourself by another’s strength or success; every tree grows where it is planted.   

Do Greatness!

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